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Highlight of 2021 OpenADR Summit Observations

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The following is a preview of the analysis and summary of the 2021 OpenADR Summit. The full article is available on GridEdge Intelligence to subscribers. For information and pricing on a subscription, visit

Summary of OpenADR Summit – Day 1

OpenADR hosted an excellent Virtual Summit on March 23-24, 2021. Over 300 people registered more than 200 attended both days. People from Europe and many parts of the US listened in and others registered so they could watch the recordings later. You can see all 6 hours of the Summit at Summit (

We thought that a summary of highlights for the OpenADR protocols and eco-system would be valuable to our GEI subscribers, and we’re highlighting some of that information here on the QualityLogic site as well. Our perspective is about interoperability and standardization so you will see some comments relative to this topic. We are also interested in applications so new or unique applications of OpenADR are highlighted.

OpenADR is Doing Quite Well

Rolf Bienert, OpenADR Executive Director summarized the state of OpenADR. Membership in the last twelve months of the Pandemic grew by 31 members to 175 and 42 new certified products have been added during the same timeframe. This says a lot about the increasing interest in OpenADR on a global basis. Much of the growth is coming from Japan and Europe. The EU (which no longer includes the UK) is using OpenADR for EV charge management in addition to DR. The UK is creating an appliance standard, PAS 1878) for smart appliances that includes OpenADR. This standard will be published in April 2021, and will join CA Title 24 as a regulatory mandate for use of OpenADR.

Southern California Edison is funding an OpenADR study to survey the industry to assess the current state of OpenADR deployments. The results will be extremely valuable to the companies wanting to understand OpenADR use cases and adoption. We’ll review the results once they are available. If you would like to participate, email

One new development for the OpenADR Alliance is the addition of certification of the CTA-2045 standard to the OpenADR Alliance. This is a very complimentary hardware standard and is a logical endpoint for OpenADR messaging. In short, CTA-2045 is a hardware plugin designed for appliances like water heaters that enable utility communications with these appliances.

To read the rest of this article, including the full day’s highlights, please visit and subscribe.